Card Decks — Campfire Stories
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Storytelling Cards


Card Deck


Prompts for Igniting Stories by the Fire

Our Campfire Stories Card Deck is a collection of 50 cards with storytelling prompts to help people of all ages find engaging and meaningful ways to connect with family and friends around the fire.

While the glow of a campfire is the iconic setting for intimate stories, these cards can be used anywhere--on a camping trip, in the backyard, around the dining room table, or even an online hangout--to spark a story.

For example, "Tell a story about a time when you left something behind" might lead to a tale about a teddy bear, favorite shirt, well-worn book, or grandmother’s ring.

Many of the deck’s prompts look to nature for inspiration: "Tell a story about your first visit to a national park"--or your first time in a tent, first encounter with a wild animal, or favorite beach experience. People dream of their next adventures by reminiscing about past ones, and these cards help bring those memories--and rich stories--to light, whether around a candlelit dinner table or under the stars.



Kids Card Deck


Storytelling Games to Ignite Imagination

Campfire Stories Deck—For Kids! is a collection of 50 game cards divided into two sets: 25 characters (adjective + noun) and 25 actions (verb + object and/or adverb), each with their own illustrated cards, including 25 animal heroes.

Firmly grounded in the natural world, the fun and furry prompts in Campfire Stories Deck--For Kids! spark children’s imaginations for storyelling adventures. To play, young players pick one card from each set and then use the prompts to make up a story. Extra cards introduce families to the deck, provide storytelling tips to help engage children, and describe different ways family and friends can play the game, including a collaborative approach in which the entire group contributes to a story.

With this deck in hand, kids of all ages can gather around the campfire and set their outdoor imaginations on fire!

For ages 5 and up.






Campfire Stories: Tales from America’s National Parks — Volume One

Campfire Stories: Tales from America’s National Parks & Trails — Volume Two


Want to stock Campfire Stories in your store?

Books and card decks are available through distributors like Ingram and Faire. If you’d like to place a direct and/or small order, get in touch with Alison Crabb at Mountaineers Books—call at 206-521-6053 or by email…